Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life and Death

You know how death is such a scary word to many people. I beg to differ. I think that death is not scary but pain is. Suffering in pain rather than just dying in peace hurts more. You could possibly call me a coward but I do not like the word pain. I’ve seen my grandfather go through it. All the medications and injections only cost him more pain  and make him weaker with each day.

One of my grandaunt passed away yesterday. She had been having serious diabetic disorder for quite some time now. I just wonder, how would it feel like to not be able to eat the things you love? I guess it’s just about appreciating the fact that you are still alive eh?

Sometimes, just before I fall asleep, when I’m lying in bed, my thoughts often wander off. If I were ever on life support or anything like that, wouldn’t I rather just be off life support and just die instead of being a vegetable laying there in a coma not being able to do anything but everyone who loves me still weeping and holding the hope that I would one day miraculously wake up? What if I just wrote it somewhere that I would rather not be on life support. Imagine how much less pain everyone will be going through.

Death is such a subjective thing. Some people choose not to think about it at all, some people just shudder at the thought of it. Everyone dies at the end of the day. It’s just how that scares me.

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